
It’s in the valleys I grow

Sometimes life seems hard to bear,
full of sorrow, trouble and woe.
It’s then I have to remember
that it’s in the valleys I grow

If I always stayed on the mountain top
and never experienced pain,
I would never appreciate God’s love
and would be living in vain

I have so much to learn
and my growth is very slow,
sometimes I need the mountain tops
But it’s in the valleys I grow

I do not always understand,
why things happen as they do.
But I am very sure of one thing,
My Lord will see me through

My little valleys are nothing
when I picture Christ on the cross
He went through the valley of death,
His victory was Satan’s loss.

Forgive me Lord, for complaining
when I’m feeling so very low.
Just give me a gentle reminder
that it’s in the valleys I grow.

continue to strengthen me, Lord.
and use my life each day
to share your love with others
and help them find their way.

Thank you for valleys, Lord
for this one thing I know
the mountain tops are glorious
But it’s in the valleys I grow.

By:Jane Eggleston

I’ve been thinking a lot about valleys.  After all, it is lent.  I am reminded of last years lent as we were going through our fertility treatments and I was asked to sing the Exultet at our Easter Vigil service (as we had no deacon).  I will refer to a post from last year, And the Journey rolls on…  I feel as though I am coming full circle.  Somehow God always makes his presence known in reminders such as these.  So, this Lent we walk through another valley…I grow, my son grows, my husband grows…we grow together.  But boy…do I see the light Easter right around the corner.  The light of Christ.  Thanks be to God.  Rejoice heavenly hosts and choirs of angels, for the victory of our Mighty King.  Darkness has been vanquished (from the Exultet). 

How loved am I?  So, so, so loved.  I can not express the overflowing love I feel for the little one I spend all of my days with..that God has an even greater love for me, for my family just overwhelms and brings me such great joy and security.  It seems Lent is my time to grow, to hang on to the holy, to feel the holy.  I feel it every time I hold my precious little miracle.  Thank you, God.


P.S. I’m 3 pounds!!!

Wow, sometimes the world just spins!

Dear Friends,

I’m sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted a blog or been on line to check in with all of you.  As many of you know after struggling with infertility for quite some time, we were finally able to achieve pregnancy with IVF.  As happy as we were with the pregnancy, it was difficult for me to write about it, with so many I knew struggling with infertility still.  It still hurts that there are so many great moms and dads out there who are just waiting to fill their arms.

In that light, I thought I should share that my world changed in February.  I got very sick with HELLP syndrome rather quickly and they had to deliver the baby very early.  I was 27weeks 4days.  My baby boy came in to the world weighing 1lb 15oz. by emergent C-section.  I was so sick, I wasn’t able to see him until day 3.


I cried when I finally saw him for the first time.  In fear, in relief, but mostly…in hope.  My beautiful church, CHN, held a Prayer Vigil 2 days after he was born…


I wasn’t able to attend as sick as I was in the hospital, but my mom and sweet husband were able to, and brought back the bulletin so that I could read it.  Our beautiful Rev. Liz wrote a lovely prayer that still brings tears to my eyes:

“Gracious and all knowing God, We pray for your abundant blessings on this little newborn, Jonathan.  We look at this tiny baby and by faith we see:  Soft little ears that will one day hear and receive the message of God’s love and grace.  Precious little fingers that will one day reach out with acts of kindness to the world.  Cute little feet with tiny little toes that will one day bring blessings to the world.  Lord, we also see a tender tiny heart and tender tiny lungs.  We lift him to you, Lord God, and pray that you will sustain him in these very early days.  May this child always have an open heart to you and to your word, and may he grow up sure in the knowledge of your love and presence, all the days of his life.  All these things we pray through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.”

Today, my little preemie is 31 weeks 1day (we go by gestational age when they are preemies).  He is now weighing in at 1050gm or 2.5lb.  Almost all of those tubes you see have been discontinued.  We are working on helping him grow.  I’d like to ask for prayers for continued progress.
